Nick Wallingford
Basic details
Early life
Current employment
Other activities
Personal strengths
Life history and interests
Research outputs
Nick Wallingford »Personal strengths

My health is excellent, with no significant history of impairment or illness.

I have a valid driver's licence for cars, but have now allowed a heavy traffic and motorcycle licence to lapse through lack of use. I have a clean driving record with only minor infringements during 40 years of driving.

I am capable from my experiences to perform tasks associated with analysis of problems and systems, providing descriptions of data relationships and making recommendations for developments based on my ability to effectively understand user requirements.

I am a keen and sophisticated user of computers, in the environments of personal, mini and mainframes computers. I have had extensive involvement with a wide variety of software types on all three types. I have had system administration training in a multi-user environment. I am conversant with current technology, software and operating systems capabilities and indications of future developments.

I am well aware of the limitations in computer use, and the perception of computers by many people. I relate to them as generally effective tools. In training users, I have attempted to instill a belief that they should not intimidate the user, that they should help users to do work quicker and/or better; the use of computers is not an end in itself.

I do not consider myself to be much of a computer programmer. Though I have worked with PHP and MySQL to create websites I do not consider myself particular capable, lacking the theoretical underpinning and understanding of design principles necessary to do really 'good work'...

I have a sound understanding of accounting principles and budgetary control requirements.

I am trained in project management methods and techniques. I have used project management software to create plans and track projects to completion, identify critical points and maintain control of a project.

I have excellent written and oral communication skills. I have experience and expertise in design and delivery of training systems and documentation of systems and activities.